Nutella Protein Pancakes





A friend sent me a photo recently of some very fucking dubious protein pancakes made from egg whites, cottage cheese and oats. Unfortunately, despite being made with the best of intentions, those ugly fuckers looked about as grim they it sound and did nowt to dispel the 'healthy food is fucking shite' myth.

The horror of scrambled cottage cheese has been haunting me so I did a little experimentation to see if I couldn't come up with something a bit more appealing, and I reckon these Nutella protein pancakes will just do the trick very fucking nicely thank you.

They were a hit with the whole fam-damily, in fact I had to fight a breakfast table battle with the kids to get my fair share and when the mini critics give something their little fistful of approval I take that as a win! 

Get this stuff

2 Tbl each of

Hazelnut meal (alternatively sub in almond meal)

Coconut flour

Tapioca/ arrowroot flour

Chocolate protein powder (I used Bare Blends Cacao WPI)

1 Tbl cocoa

1 Tbl sweetener of granulated stevia (Natvia etc), rice malt syrup or your choice of sweetener

2 eggs

6 Tbl milk

1 tsp vanilla*

Breakfast pro tip - add an extra 2 Tbl milk to make waffles instead



Do this with it

Throw all the ingredients in the blender and mix to create a smooth batter. Alternatively do it the old fashioned Armstrong way by hand and get an arm workout but make sure you mix well enough to get all the lumps out.

Heat a pan to a moderate heat, grease with a little coconut or macadamia oil and dollop the mixture into your desired sized pancakes - I tend to go for large tablespoon size to fit little hands.

Wait until bubbles appear on the surface and start to pop then flip to cook on the other side.

Serve with fresh berries or homemade chia jam, yoghurt, nut butter, coconut cream or whatever the fuck you fancy.

Any leftovers make a great grab and go snack for later, not that leftovers ever seem to happen round here !

